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Justice Program

 The Justice Supportive Housing Program provides affordable accommodation and flexible supports for people with serious mental illness who have come into conflict with the Criminal Justice System.

Subsidized rental apartments are provided throughout the Region of Halton. Community Social Workers provide case management services such as goal setting, assist with job searching, budgeting, grocery shopping and other daily living skills.

In addition the Justice Team works collaboratively with a mix of community service providers to provide comprehensive, holistic and streamlined services to the program participants. The program is currently accepting referrals.

Individuals from the age of 18 and over who are diagnosed with a serious mental illness and who have come into contact with the law, whose offense is considered low risk and whose mental illness can be appropriately managed through services based in the community are eligible for this program.

In addition, the following individuals may also be eligible:
• individuals who are at risk of being charged by police or
• have been charged by police or
• have been sentenced

Referrals for our services can be made online through one-Link or contact our Central Intake Team at [email protected] or (905) 847-3206, then choose 4 at the prompt.